Traffic Law  · 18. February 2020
Getting injured when helping and lifting a motorbike after an accident is according to the French High Court indeed a road traffic accident under Loi Badinter and the victim is entitled to compensation.
Traffic Law  · 30. January 2020
Decision of the Hungarian Supreme Court: If the motor vehicle of a company registered in Hungary suffers a road traffic accident in Germany and therefore the applicable substantive law is the German law under Rome II Regulation, the German law governs the question of interests for delay irrespective of the fact whether the injured party files a lawsuit against the tortfeasor or directly against its insurer.
Personal Injury Law · 05. May 2019
Compensation for pain and suffering in Italy are much too high. The insured cannot afford this any more. Should be changed.
Legal Protection · 05. May 2019
Many lawyers just work for their fee. They depend on legal protection insurances and liability insurances and are not independent. They do not really defend the rights of their client. What is your opinion?
Traffic Law  · 05. May 2019